Fitness and exercise professionals sometimes wrongly assume that corrective exercise is only for their older clients with ongoing aches and pains or others that experience chronic musculoskeletal issues. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Corrective exercise is for everyone and musculoskeletal assessments and exercises should be used with every client. This is because corrective exercise is about assessing people to understand their imbalances, compensations and faulty movement patterns at the outset of their program so that strategies can be implemented to correct their dysfunction, alleviate their aches/pains, and improve their performance (instead of making all of these things worse).
Corrective Exercise is for Everyone
Every personal training and/or supervised exercise program should always begin with a complete musculoskeletal assessment first. This will help the exercise, fitness or health professional identify where a client’s dysfunction lies so that they can correct these issues first before exposing their clients and/or patients to more strenuous activities that will only serve to exacerbate their underlying problems. For example, if an assessment result reveals that a client who has painful plantar fasciitis overpronates, the professional should teach their client the right corrective exercises to address this problem and alleviate their pain. On the other hand, if a professional runner’s assessments indicate that they overpronate, you will need to address their overpronation issue with corrective exercises to help improve their foot mechanics and resultant running speed. The more the professional learns about musculoskeletal assessments and corrective exercises (and the way the body works) the sooner they will realize that these techniques can be used in all situations where pain relief and/or improved function and performance is the goal.
Fitness, exercise and health professionals interesting in learning a step-by-step process for helping clients overcome muscle and joint pain can choose to enroll in the industry’s highest-rated Corrective Exercise Specialist certification course from The BioMechanics Method. To learn more about this amazing program click on the image below.